Goodrich Area Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
Face Coverings
Will face coverings be enforced even if a family is opposed to their student wearing a mask?
Yes, as required in the Roadmap provided by the Governor's office, facial coverings must be worn by all students during school transportation and in hallways and common areas. Facial coverings must also be worn in classrooms by all students grades DK-12. Any student who cannot medically tolerate a facial covering must not wear one. Any student who is incapacitated or unable to remove the facial covering without assistance, must not wear one. Any student medically unable to wear a mask may be asked to wear a face shield, if the shield is medically tolerable.
Who will be responsible for enforcing the use of facial coverings?
The classroom teacher and the building administrator will be responsible for educating students about the importance of wearing a facial covering and enforcing the expectation.
If a student is struggling with the mandates on masks or social distancing measures, are we allowed to switch to online before the end of the semester?
No, we are asking our families to make their learning option commitment for a full semester, by the deadline of August 9, 2020.
My student has asthma; will there be a safe place for her to go if she needs to remove her mask during the school day?
We will provide facemask breaks throughout the day and will attempt to provide safe locations within classrooms for brief faceamsk breaks as well.
If a school is considered a 'public place' shouldn't all students K-12 be required to wear a mask throughout the day?
The Governor's Executive Orders (EO) 2020-110 and 2020-115 do not apply to students in a classrooms setting, however the guidance in the Return to Learn Roadmap stongly recommends that students in the K-5 classrooms wear masks. After much consideration and discussion, by our district administrative team, we will be requiring all students, K-12, to wear a face covering (unless they cannot medically tolerate and with a note from their doctor). This decision was supported by our Board of Education when they adopted our COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan on August 3, 2020.
Social Distancing
How will students socially distance in the cafeterias?
Our building administrators are working with our Director of Food Services to determine the best case scenario for each individual building, utilizing any and all available space and staggering start times in order to social distance to the extent feasible. For example, at Reid Elementary lunch will be scheduled in the lunchroom and gym with two classes at a time, staying with their class group. One class will wait in the lunch line at a time. Students will remain seated throughout lunch. Hot and cold lunch options will be available for purchase or students may bring a lunch from home.
If every student chooses to return to face-to-face learning, how will social distancing within the classroom be accomplished?
Following the guidelines set by the Governor's Roadmap, there are no requirements for social distancing, however, it is strongly recommended to social distance to the extent feasible.
How will we implement social distancing on the bus?
As required in the Governor's plan, all students will use hand sanitizer as they enter the bus. All students, if medically feasible, will be required to wear facial coverings while on the bus. All buses will be cleaned and disinfected before and after every transit route. Weather permitting, drivers may consider keeping windows open while the vehicle is in motion to increase air circulation, if appropriate and safe. There will be assigned seating for students; seating family members together.
How will social distancing be enforced when students are in the hallways or at their lockers?
All buildings will be dividing hallways and directional markings will be placed on the floors to indicate traffic flow. Again, all students DK-12 are required to wear facial coverings when in the hallways. Our buildings are reviewing the use of lockers. For example, high school students may place their coats or other belongings in their lockers in the morning, and will be allowed to use a backpack to transport books and supplies from class to class. At Reid Elementary, students will go directly to their classroom, not stopping at lockers. Students will then be sent to their lockers by class schedule and with proper social distancing.
Will the restrooms be monitored for crowding?
Our district will post capacity for each restroom. We will provide instructions on proper restroom behavior and handwashing and signs will be posted in all restrooms as a reminder for our students.
Will there be plexiglass partitions between students in the classroom?
The district is currently investigating the possiblility of dividers at shared tables; but not at individual desks.
Please define 'to the extent feasible' as it applies to distancing in the classroom.
The district will make every attempt to spread students throughout each classroom, as space allows. Building administrators are also looking into spreading classes out into larger, unused spaces.
What cleaning regimen will happen daily in each building?
Per the Governor's Roadmap, frequently touched surfaces, including light switches, doors, benches, and bathrooms will undergo cleaning at least every four hours with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution. Hands-on classrooms such as libraries, computer labs, and art rooms must undergo cleaning after every class period with the same products. In grades 6-12, where students co-mingle throughout the day, student desks must be wiped down after every class period. Equally as important as proper cleaning, we will partner with our families on teaching proper handwashing and the importance of not touching your face without first washing/sanitizing your hands.
Will the restrooms be cleaned throughout the day?
Yes, restrooms will be cleaned on a rotating schedule throughout the day.
Who cleans our schools?
Goodrich has an outstanding custodial staff who are professionally trained and have been provided additional training on all of the required protocols of the Governor's Roadmap.
How often will extensive or 'deep cleaning' be done in our buildings?
All classrooms, hallways, restrooms and offices are cleaned each evening. Deep cleanings will be conducted in classrooms/buildings after a confirmed case of COVID-19 is reported.
What chemicals are used in cleaning?
All chemicals align with OSHA requirements.
Could a list of ingredients in the cleaning products be made available upon request?
Yes, safety data sheets are always available upon request.
With COVID-19 transmission identified as mainly airborne particles, is there a mechanism for increasing classroom ventilation?
The district will encourage opening windows when possible.
Health Screenings
Will students be screened for COVID-19 and if so how will that happen?
Parents are required to complete a screening of each child prior to their arrival daily; before they board the bus or before they are dropped off at school. Parents should take their student(s) temperature and watch for symptoms such as: cough, shortness of breath, temperature greater than 100.4, chills/sweating, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, new onset of severe headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. Students should also be kept at home if they have come in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
If my child is sent home due to fever, runny nose/cough will he/she be required to have a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to school?
If a student is experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms, they might have COVID-19 and they should not attend school. They should contact their regular medical provided and get tested for COVID-19. If they do not have COVID-19, they should remain home until they are fever-free for 72 hours without using a fever reducing medication.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, will the entire class have to be tested, quarantined and test negative before they can return to school?
Please see the Genesee County Health Department COVID-19 Toolkit for Schools for clarification.
What is the protocol if someone becomes sick while at school?
Each building has designated an isolated room for symptomatic students. These students will need to be picked up by a parent, guardian or other designated adult and will not be allowed to ride home on the bus.
Will temperatures be taken at school daily?
No, parents will be asked to screen their children prior to their arrival at school. Children with a temperature of 100.4 or higher should be kept at home.
Will students be expected to particiapte in wellness checks daily?
We expect our parents to conduct daily wellness screenings before sending their child to school.
If my child's classroom is exposed and closed for a peroid, should all of my children remain home or could those in another grade/classroom continue to attend school?
Please see the Genesee County Health Department COVID-19 Toolkit for Schools for clarification.
What will be the protocol for substitute teachers in the classroom?
All Goodrich Area Schools staff and substitutes will be asked to complete a pre-work health checklist and wear a facial covering.
If my student developed symptoms such as a fever, sniffles or a cough while at school would he/she be sent home?
As fever and cough are two potential COVID-19 symptoms, a parent/guardian or designated adult will be contacted to pick up the student. They will be asked to remain home until they are fever-free for 72 hours without fever reducing medication. Students will not be penalized for staying home due to illness and are encouraged to remain home when feeling sick, even if not symptomatic.
Contact Tracing
Who will conduct the contact tracing and what should families expect if this need arises?
School officials will partner with the Genesee County Health Department, according to their established protocols, as required in the Governor's Roadmap. Click here to view the Genesee County Health Department COVID-19 Toolkit for Schools for further clarification.
What will be done to protect my student's identity should he/she become involved in contact tracing by infection or exposure?
If a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified, we will notify local health officials, staff, and students/parents immedidately, while maintaining confidentiality consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable federal and state privacy laws.
Will I be contacted personnally if my student has been exposed to COVID-19 during the school day?
Our district will alert all stakeholders, in that building, of a positive COVID-19 test. We will work with our local health department to conduct contact tracing.
Disclosing Positive Tests
With whom will test results be shared?
Goodrich Area Schools asks that all positive COVID-19 tests from students/staff be reported to school administration in order to initiate contact tracing. Documentation from a medical professional will be required. Once informed of a positive test, the Genesee County Health Department will be notified.
If there is a postive case in the district, will all families be made aware or just those directly effected?
Only the families in that building will be notified.
Will students be allowed to attend assemblies?
The Governor's Roadmap prohibits indoor assemblies that bring together students from more than one classroom.
Will families be allowed to attend sporting events?
Guidance from the MHSAA is pending. Under the current guidelines from the Governor's Roadmap large scale indoor spectator events are suspended. Large scale outdoor spectator or stadium events are limited to 100 people with social distancing protocols followed.
Choir & Band
Will band/choir be offered?
Yes, at this time we believe that will be able to continue to offer choir and band.
How will students be protected in this environment since they will not be able to wear a facecovering?
The district is investigating specialized face and instrument coverings that could allow students to practice indoors.
Can those students who elect online learning still participate in band and/or choir?
Yes. Students who elect the fully virtual learning option are still Goodrich students and may participate in any offered extracurricular activities, including athletics.
Athletic Events
If my student selects online learning, can he/she still participate in sports?
Yes. Students who elect the fully virtual learning option are still Goodrich students and may participate in any offered extracurricular activities, including athletics.
Will sports continue in their regular seasons?
The MHSAA will determine this and we are required to comply with all guidance published by the MHSAA and the NFHS.
Will there be extracurricular offerings, i.e. clubs, etc. ?
Yes, but offerings may be very limited.
School Visitors
Will parents be allowed to volunteer in their student's classroom?
No, visitors to the building will be limited to essential persons only.
How will guests to the buildings be screened?
Guests in buildings will be extremely limited and will be required to conduct the same screening process as our staff before gaining access to our buildings. All visitors will be required to wear a face covering and will be given minimal access to the building.
Special Education
Could I amend my student's 504 plan if I were to decide that face-to-face learning is no longer appropriate for our family?
The 504 Team makes the decision to reconvene whenever needed. The team makes the determination of need for a change in placement. As a parent you are a part of the decision team.